原因有很多候选人申请工作不匹配他们的经验。这些包括开关行业,想要进入一个特定的公司,搬迁到一个新的城市,或寻求最大化个人的灵活性。但即使是一个令人印象深刻的简历并不能保证报价。有一个偏见,和招聘经理并不总是渴望带来的人是大材小用了。“他们可能会担心你会感到无聊的位置,”说克劳迪奥·费尔南德斯亿康先达的高级顾问并不是如何或者什么,但谁。“经理可能认为你不会留下来,这是浪费时间和精力。或招聘经理可能看着你视为威胁。”Your goal, therefore, is “to make sure the interviewers don’t shy away from you.”哈佛商业评论提供一些建议招聘经理站在你这边。这开始检查你的态度和透明的(一个点)。“认真思考如何回答你为什么想要这个职位和你为什么要在这个行业工作,”费尔南德斯说。“没有什么比信念更说服,”他补充道。“显示完整。”The next step is to counter common assumptions. If there are still doubts about your fit for the job, Fernández-Aráoz’s advice is to take “a problem-solving point of view,” and “be strategic” about showing how the organization could benefit from having you in the job. Here are some strategies to demonstrate your value to the hiring manager:
费尔南德斯表示,另一种方法是谈论的奇异之旅”的工作职责。”In other words, you’ll “offer a specific expertise” to help the company “achieve a goal or objective” for a certain period of time, with the understanding that eventually you will move on to a bigger and better role either within that organization or at another one. You might offer to link this work to a “special form of compensation — either a significant bonus, retainer, or a success fee” after you reach a certain target. That way, the hiring manager will feel better about the likelihood of your staying “because you want the money,” he says.