TVI - 领袖和女儿里斯本
在里斯本领导人和女儿,几位葡萄牙领导人及其女儿参加了关于妇女在劳动力市场中的作用的讨论。这是关于性别平等仍然相关主题的随便,代际讨论。尽管研究表明,自2011年以来,妇女担任领导职务的女性有所增加,但经验告诉我们,还有很长的路要走。“这不应该仅仅是行政讨论。It’s a cultural issue," said António Mexia, CEO of EDP. “It is often the case that companies don’t have a favorable environment or conditions to allow women to achieve a balance between personal life and career," added António Coimbra, President of Vodafone Spain. From the women attendee’s point of view, all of the pieces in this puzzle are coming together in a promising way. The youngest panelists were keen to remind each other of the importance of standing their ground to build on this progress. The discussion concluded by offering concrete goals for the future as diversity and gender parity is paramount in the business world.
全文:TVI:Egon Zehnder领袖和女儿里斯本(2017年3月10日)。