CNBC (Rajeev Vasudeva CNBC全球领导力的重要性在新的全球环境
随着世界经济论坛在瑞士达沃斯占据了舞台的中心位置,亿康先达的首席执行官,拉杰夫Vasudeva坐下来和CNBC全球在伦敦讨论关键问题和领导在新的全球环境的影响。“显然,领导需要的景观已经完全改变了,“Rajeev Vasudeva指出。“缺乏领导今天可以处理更复杂的问题和越来越难以预测的是领导的成功。公司也在努力填补他们的领导人才管道。”This may be due to their outdated approach to leadership talent, speculates Vasudeva. Summing up the situation, he says: “We are living in a different era and the task of leadership has changed, but the tools that we are using to assess leaders are still very traditional. We are focused on experience and competency, but I think that today, in this era, the trump card is potential.”
看完整的面试:前所未有的变化太多,太少的领导人由CNBC采访Rajeev Vasudeva广播(2015年1月20日)。