Egon Zehnder支持欧洲数字健康日
在埃贡·Zehnder(Egon Zehnder)的支持下,2017年6月1日在柏林举行的欧洲数字健康日的重点是:“大与智能 - 创造更好医疗保健的未来的数据。”这项独特的活动汇集了从初创企业到主要制药公司和公共部门机构的关键卫生部门利益相关者。今年,它主要旨在促进和加速欧洲的数字健康创新。该活动是由数字健康合作伙伴关系组织的,这是一项涉及行业和政治领导人的倡议。该合作伙伴关系由Egon Zehnder共同创立弗里德里希·库恩(Friederich Kuhn),他们通过询问房间的领导人如何进行领导行为需要改变以促进数字健康创新而结束了活动。
One participant argued that mindset is essential: “Institutions need to be much bolder and follow the example of Google, for example, where an entire division is called ‘other bets’ where they can think and spend a lot of money on the ‘next big thing.’” Another leader saw the need for all players involved to step out of their comfort zone and rethink how they operate: “We need to use the power of partnership to make change a reality.”