到现在为止,每个组织都在数字化转型的道路上。在埃贡·Zehnder(Egon Zehnder)和对您的公司一样,这是正确的,尽管您可能跌倒的路径差异很大。
在埃贡·Zehnder(Egon Zehnder),我们了解破坏跨越行业和时区,我们相应地建立了客户团队。我们独特的全球影响力和顾问在行业中工作的广泛背景使我们能够在大多乐动数地方寻找和发展人才。Our collaborative digital transformation teams work with pioneers in every part of an industry’s value chain all over the globe and help enterprises make the critical adaptations needed to survive and thrive, whether by joining the omnichannel marketplace and sharing economy or by learning to leverage data within their organization. We hope to do the same for you.