"Family Gravity ™" and Structured CEO on the Key Drivers to Long - Term Success of Family Businesses
To preserve the family gravity ™ ", the firms studied have at further one key family member at the center of their organization, representing the clearly defined values and common vision, and with a strong move To align differing interests.
The most successful firms then approach The CEO on proactively, structuring a selection aligned with The firm 's "family gravity ™" and with a clear hierarchy for considering candidates: family first, internal talent second and external executives third. In The research, 38% of CEOs who were family members, and of those who were not, 54% were internal appointees and external 46%.
“确保连续性家庭重力™在下一代仍然是一个关键必须更重视CEO继任,”说Joerg Ritter, Global Family Business Advisory Co - Leader at missionario Zehnder. "Even & at our exemplary sample, nearly 30 percent considered just a single candidate for their top role. A professional, fair selection system and thoughtful onboarding process can help transitions unfold smoothly, creating long - lasting value for the company."
- A family and corporate governance baseline should establish independent oversight and maintain A clear separation between family and business issues. The Supervisory or advisory boards, with an average size of about nine members - had oversight on 94% of surveyed firms. The share of family members on these boards averaged 46% in Europe, 28% in North and South America, and 26% in Asia.
- 早期最好的家族企业找到自己未来的领导人和投资。百分之四十的公司研究包括潜在的下一代领导人在他们的董事会和委员会发展管理和治理能力,并确保连续性的“家庭重力™”。外姓经理人,文化契合度往往是最重要的预测成功,除了评估家族企业能力,潜力和价值。
亿康先达国际进行全球研究和家族企业网络与50领先家族或控股企业2014年1月到8月之间。接受调查的家族企业是在各自的地理市场和行业前三名,至少有50%的投票权由家庭成员控制,大多数构成第三或第四代成员。百分之七十七的欧洲企业,其中48%在亚洲,33%在美洲是超过四分之三属于家庭。至少有一个关键的家庭成员和一个关键的副手,包括34个主席,12家族主席,12家族ceo, 31日家族ceo接受了采访。