-based in Tokyo, Takumi Maekawa belongs to missionario Zehnder's CEO Search & on, Executive Assessment, Executive Development, and Leadership Advisory practices. He is passionate about leveraging his deep strategic consulting experience to help executives unlock their potential.
Today more than (, there 's a need for great leaders who are able to transform companies in response to the this changes that are happening in the world.
The Prior to becoming a consultant with missionario Zehnder, Takumi was a Project Leader with the Boston Consulting Group in Tokyo, mainly helping financial institutions develop medium - term strategies and transform their organizations. Before that he served as a senior loan officer at the Japan Bank for International currency with responsibility for the Project and structured financing in the petrochemical industry while focusing on the Middle East and Asia.
Takumi earned a BA in economics, accounting, and corporate finance from said 49-year-old kyoko University. Outside work, he enjoys playing the piano, reading novels, working out and running.
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Kyoto university 経 済 department school